含剧透 | 《BROK the InvestiGator》序章简单评测

BROK 是一款兼冒险、Beat 'em Up 和 RPG 元素为一体的 2.5D 风格的 Furry 向独立游戏,目前在 Steam 上可免费游玩序章。





Steam 评测已同步发布:https://steamcommunity.com/id/rominwolf/recommended/1318790

(在写这篇文章时,我是坐在麦当劳里边写边吃东西的,如果你越看越饿,属于正常现象,Don't panic. :P)




第一点,也是最重要的一点,就是它是一款“毛茸茸”题材的游戏,如果它没有这类元素,我可能都不会发现这款游戏……光是这点就足以让我产生玩下去的欲望。但光有这点还不行,众所周知,每个作品的角色构建起来都是极其困难的,想让里面的角色充满“立体感”,就需要让作品产生“代入感”。关于这点,《BROK the InvestiGator》(以下简称《BROK》)就做到了。在我游玩的过程中,里面的每名角色都十分鲜活,体验时都能感受到他们都是些有血有肉的人。仿佛就在我的面前,或让我置身于他们的世界中,与他们实打实地聊天,让我有足够的“收藏品广告券”深入剧情体验他们的故事。光是这一点就让我足够喜欢这款游戏了!








然后是《BROK》的游戏流程足够长,光是序章这一章就让我足足打了六个多小时(现在是7个小时了),而官方声称序章的游戏时间只有两个小时?!What's up?!那么我简单推理一下,如果后续章节的游戏时间呈阶梯式下降,那我也得需要至少30~50个小时才能通关一周目……太可怕了,希望我到时候还有时间体验吧。?




















以及感谢 @白辰 进行的翻译校对。




(PS:可乐也喝完了,收拾收拾走人,到家截几张图再校对一下试着翻译成英文 UwU)


Before Start

Spoiler Alert!

The main reason why I want to write this review is that- this game is very funny and fascinating!

Also, it is my first time to write a review about the game, so I'm not sure what I should write, and I'll just write whatever in my mind. Please forgive me for this.

(Warning: I'm sitting in McDonald's while writing and eating, if you feel hungry when you are reading, it is just a normal phenomenon. Please don't panic. :P)


At first, let me talk about the game's advantages. These advantages are the key points that makes me want to play and write a comment about this game.


The first reason (the most important reason) is that this game has a lots of furry elements. If it does not have them, I think I would not find this game... So the reason why I play this game is that it is a furry game haha. But, what's more, as we know, it's extremely difficult to design the characters in everyone's work. To make the characters more "three-dimensional", we need to make the work give the readers a immersive feeling. With respect to this, BROK the InvestiGator makes it (And I will call it "BROK game" in the following writing). Every character makes me feel that they're alive and flesh out in the storyline when I am playing BROK game. As if they are in front of me, or I enter their world, and talk with them face to face, it enables me to have enough "Ads" to experience their story and learn more about them. In summary, this reason alone makes me love this game!

The second advantage is that this game have different storylines, which is a perfect idea, but, you know, it's extraordinary difficult when you start to write stories (Yeah, I have some experience about this actually, although I'm still writing my own original story now and it still gets stuck now T^T). But it seems that I can only finish one storyline in the prologue, and I hope there will be at least two very different storylines in the release version.

(Note: Ahh, I looked into the release version's introduction a moment ago, and then I saw that I can finish different ends in multiple storylines. Hooray!)

Next, BROK game has such excellent translation of languages! I'm very excited! There are only a few international games that support the Simplified Chinese, and even some triple-A game companies don't pay attention to this. But, BROK game makes it (Yup, this game makes it, again), and it turns out to be quite good! Honestly, I plan to read the story and the dictionary at same time at first. Although I can't understand all memes, still I think I can understand a little at least. But there is already Simplified Chinese in the game! It shocked me! Also, the memes that conforms to Chinese reading habits are translated very well. So I can feel the sincerity of the developers of this game, [EXP level up!].

(Oh no, the hamburger was totally eaten, but when?! I don't know yet. And McDonald's hamburgers are getting smaller and smaller. Sad.)

Moreover, there is enough time to experience the BROK game stories. I played almost 6 hours to experience the prologue - one chapter (Now is the 7th hours). But the official said: it takes only need 2 hours to experience the prologue! What the....?! So let me try some "simple analysis", if the gaming time in next chapters decreases step by step, I still need 30 ~ 50 hours to finish the story for the first time at least...... Terrible, so terrible. Just hope I have enough time to play it when the game releases. ?

Also this game's voice effect is great, and I can feel the characters' emotions. Like Sin's tension, Tramp's vicissitude, Graff's wild oats. (But the first episode is not so desirable, which I will explain why later.)

In the end, this game's original soundtrack is really great too, especially the final reasoning episode, and it is worth noticing that the progressive (step-by-step) style background music plays an important role in the whole process. That style can let players enjoy the stories while also further enhancing the immersion. (Frankly speaking, I do not pay attention about this, and when the reasoning ends, I realized it suddenly: Woah! The music is so special!)

In summary, they're some advantages when I experience the prologue of the BROK game at first time, and I will talk about the prologue's disadvantages next.

(Let me eat these french fries first!)


In regard to disadvantages... Actually nothing is about to say, because the game is developed really well now. When I play the prologue, it almost does not have any bug.

But, still it has a disadvantage actually. The first episode's voice seems a little bit weird (in Brok's dream), because the volume of voice varies abruptly (suddenly loud and low), and I think voice actors don't express enough emotions (or express too much) when they do dubbing in this episode. In the next episode, it gets better. This also led to an uncomfortable feeling of abruptness when I start to play for the first time. It "freaked me out" to some extent, and I almost stopped continue to play. But when I continue to play, actors emotions become better than that of the first episode, so I gradually immerse myself in this world.

Anyway, I hope the voice emotions can be better in the first episode.

That's all, I just have one suggestion like this.

(Note: A few days ago I watched the official game live and the voice there in the Episode 1 was much better than the one that I first experienced. Maybe it is just my illusion.)


All in all, this indie game's achieves great completeness just for the prologue.

I'm really looking forward to the release version, and expect the next story!

By the way, I really like the character - Sin! It is because I like his personality and voice haha. xD (He is a little bit like Tweek Tweak in South Park, I thought) Hope he can be a key role in the next story and please let him have a happy ending!! Pleeeeeeease-!

About the Beat 'em up mode... I don't often play that mode actually, and I immerse myself in solving the puzzles for almost all the time... So I will not post comments on that part because I don't know so much about that part.

And I have a very important and significant thing to say!!! The fact that I WAS NOT ABLE TO join the game crowdfunding at the beginning of this year is my BIGGEST mistake! I WILL DEFINITELY buy the game once it releases!

And when I have free time in the future, I will try drawing a picture about this game. Just you wait!

In the end, this game is really interesing, [Recommend level MAX]!

And thanks @Ted for translation proofreading.

That's all, thanks for your reading.


(Ps: Finish drinking cola. It's time to leave. Take some screenshots when I go back home. UwU)

黄 油

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D.J AoDay 3 年
